There is a hilarious blog called Kdrama Laws found here:
It codifies many well-know kdrama plot devices and cliches into laws and regulations complete with legalese terminology like "whereas" and "effectivity," using a multiple section format. It is great fun to read (and add to - they take suggestions) but it lacks a good index, and you can only find laws by reading down the list of older posts. Therefore I have undertaken to make up an index, so you can see which laws you have missed, and find them by entering the name into the site's search box. Starting at the most recent:
Weirdness Protection Program
Intercut Your Heart Out Law
Kdrama Education System
Good Parent Ban
AKA Bad*** Law
Marriage of Convenience
Kdrama Corporations Law
Instant Recognition Ban
Sister Standardization Law
Famous Last Words Law
No Rest For My Birthday Law
I'm Having Fun. Really. Act Act
Life-Threatening Law
Time Travel Act of 2012
Severus Snape Law
Cast My Bias Law
Partial Repeal of Single Ladies
Misunderstanding Protection Act
Foot Protection Law
Shareholders Law
First Love, Second Lead Act
Portrait of Wealth Law
Stay of Execution Law
Half-Nuptials Act
Reluctant Heir Law
Relocation Act
Just One More Episode Law
To the Bitter End Law
Merupisu Law
Jerk of All Trades Law
Anti-Competence Act
The. Kiss. Law.
Accidental Kiss Law
Kiss Classification Law
National Service Ammentment
Kdrama Genius Act
Bathroom Use Law
Beauty Standardization Law
Cohabitation Law
Sad Rich Family Act
Jang Geun Suk Jinx Act
Weaksauce Thug Act
Acceptable Violence Act
Poverty Alleviation Act
Break-Up Law
Second Lead Act
Road Behavior Act
Ajumma Act
Stalker Protection Act
Denial of Feelings Act
First Meeting Act
Communications Devices Act
Kdrama Audience Act